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Young Prince Tanjung Bengkulu

This South Sumatra folktale is taken from the set of Folk Story From South Sumatra "published by the Project Inventory and Regional Culture Documentation, Ministry of Education and Culture, Jakarta, 1982. The story in this book was taken and compiled from the story of South Sumatra people entitled Anak Dalam. The author tried to re-imagine the story, and at the end of the story, the author created it in another form. The story tells a life journey of a young man from Musi Rawas, who was willing to learn martial arts in an empire led by a wise king. Because of his perseverance, he was appointed as a young warrior and also a warlord in the empire."

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BRI - Saifullah (05680-10003-81533)

JAGO - Saifullah (1060-2675-3868)

BSI - Saifullah (0721-5491-550)
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