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The Prince Purbaya And The Giant Genie Sepanjang

This folklore Prince Purbaya and The Giant Genie Sepanjang" was provided in the context of conducting activities to foster reading and writing culture related to the School Literacy Movement held by the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2015. The activity was the implementation of Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Number 23 Year 2015 concerning Growth of Character. The movement, which took the theme "Language as Character Cultivator", was followed up by the LanguagernDevelopment Center of Language Development and Cultivation Agency by implementing the National Literacy Movement (GNLB) program which provides literacy material sourced from national wisdom in the form of literacy material sourced from folklore in all regions of Indonesia."

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BRI - Saifullah (05680-10003-81533)

JAGO - Saifullah (1060-2675-3868)

BSI - Saifullah (0721-5491-550)
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