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The book contains two stories, the first story entitled “Keeper of Kapuas River” comes from the story entitled “The Folktale from Central Kalimantan”. The book, which is a collection of the stories from various regions in Central Kalimantan, were published by the Department of Education and Cultural in 1982 in 82 pages. The story entitled "Keeper of Kapuas River" was taken from Central Kalimantan folklore. The original title of the story is "Curse of Mintin Island’s King". The second story entitled “Intan Pusaka”, the original title of the story is "Hanaut Island and Lepeh Island". The author takes it from the same literature. Both stories are almost the same, they told about the legend in Central Kalimantan. The moral value of the story is we should not waste the trust, keep it any time. Hopefully, the story of “Keeper of Kapuas River” and “Intan Pusaka” can enrich the treasure of Indonesian story.

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BRI - Saifullah (05680-10003-81533)

JAGO - Saifullah (1060-2675-3868)

BSI - Saifullah (0721-5491-550)
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