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The Legend of Datuk Marsam The Tumeric Grasshopper

The Legend of Datuk Marsam; The Turmeric Grasshopper is one of the folklore originating from Kembang Paseban Village, Mersam District, Batanghari Regency, Jambi Province. The writing of this story originated from a story called Belalang Kunyit by Dedy Syaputra, which is one of the texts in the Jambi Folk Story Writing Competition held by the Jambi Provincial Language Office in 2015. The educational element contained in the story Datuk Marsam Sang Grasshopper Turmeric is related to human attitudes and behavior which is illustrated through the character Datuk Marsam. Even though he was a leader, he had never been arrogant, haughty, and acted arbitrarily. Datuk Marsam always deliberates in dealing with all issues in order to value and respect the opinions of the people. In addition, he was a leader who was willing to sacrifice for the benefit of many people. The Legend of Datuk Marsam; The Turmeric Grasshopper is a legendary story. In the past, this story was told by parents to put their children to sleep. Until now this story is still believed by most people in the Mersam area. Hopefully, this story can benefit children who read it and can add insight into the diversity of cultures and customs that the Indonesian people have.

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BRI - Saifullah (05680-10003-81533)

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