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The children I love, by reading, you will gain knowledge. Be diligent in reading books to be smart. This reading book is interesting to read. Its contents contain a good message. Follow the good messages and don't follow the bad ones. This story is taken from the Hikayat Indra Maulana book which has been translated from Malay Arabic script into Latin script by Drs. Amran Tasai, M. Hum. and was published by the Ministry of Education and Culture in 1999. The story is about the king's son named Indra Maulana who was not liked by his father. He is a powerful and sakti child, but his parents were not aware of his condition. Several times Indra Maulana attempted to be killed, yet remain alive. Finally, Indra Maulana was assigned to look for Pujenggi Flowers. Hopefully this folk tale is useful.

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