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Batu Suli Hill

This story of Batu Suli Hill is a story adapted from a collection of folktales from Central Kalimantan by A.F. Nahan and the results of literature research by colleagues from the Central Kalimantan Language Center.
very region throughout Indonesia has a very rich cultural heritage, one of which is old literature which is a national cultural preserve. These old literary works take the form of stories that were passed down through generations and had a positive influence on the whole community. It can be seen from the lives of people helping each other, tolerating, and the eagerness to build their country. Therefore, rewriting or re-adapting a story in the form of a folk tale is very important. After all, there are still a few books about folklore from all parts of Indonesia. This story of Batu Suli Hill is a story adapted from a collection of folktales from Central Kalimantan by A.F. Nahan and the results of literature research by colleagues from the Central Kalimantan Language Center.

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BRI - Saifullah (05680-10003-81533)

JAGO - Saifullah (1060-2675-3868)

BSI - Saifullah (0721-5491-550)
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